4 months without coding…

I know, that I seemed to be lost. There was a lot to process lately.
First of all, I’m planning to immigrate from that totalitarian state called Russia. I’ve found a way to Europe and soon I will go there. I hope once and for good.
Second, there was a lot of work on my main job, where I develop successful project for Android (users).
I hope that I will find some time to work on my dream-project (that is Airely) in coming weeks…

Edit: Of course, I’ve forgot to mention that I’ve worked in a gym, lost about 5 kg, improved some health.

P.S.: There will be a hard time from September. I will need to go to a language courses and work remotely, there will be a very little spare time for me for about 9 months. It will be very hard, but I must do it for my future children.